T.I. denied bail and may have to stay in jail until his court date a few months from now///Nas new album will be titled "Nigger" and released somtime in December

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Lord, Have Mercy On Her

I had to spell and pronounce that title out right. This trainwreck is Hottie from The Flavor Of Love Show and Charm School! She makes Britney look like Princess Di. I wonder if that dress is couture? Remember on Charm School when they had to sell their stuff she kept saying all her dresses were couture!! ROTFL! This chic is Shot out! She performed (don't ask) at the Reality Show Awards last night. Yes, they have awards for the wrongful mess they put on TV and they wonder why people act out on them. They want an award, some notoriety, fifteen minutes. Bless all their delusional hearts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

does anybody know if she can actually sing